Designer Walter Delgado
Walter Delgado was from Chaco, Argentina.
By age 5, he already knew technique of sewing. In his teens, he had already decided his career as a costume designer in teens In 90s’, he moved to Buenos Aires where he was first amazed by the show at the nights of the city. He started working in some of the major theater in Corrientes Ave. and became the favorite designer of all the dancers.
In 2010, he made the first trip to Japan, and ever since he is invited to tour around many countries around the world, where his work was recognized as combination of functional with good taste and sensuality.
It’s will be his fourth visits China and he will give a show during the festival. For those who want to reserve an appointment with Walter. Pls prepare your own fabric at 3 meters and email your refer reservation timeslot to . It’s only 350 usd per dress (min.) to make the one and only dress of yours from Walter Delgado (the final cost will be varied depending on the complexity of each dress)
设计师Walter Delgado
Walter 将在7/3~8/5期间接受舞衣定制,
1. 邮件至 主旨:预订舞衣
2. 注明您预计可以拜访Walter的日期跟时间
3. 购买您喜欢的面料,可以单个面料,也可以是2-3个组合面料,如果希望有里布,也可以准备好里布。每个面料约莫1.5米(多个组合)至2.5米(单个)
4. 按预约的日期时间带好面料准时到指定地点与设计师讨论款式及量身,设计师会告知第一次试身日期时间以及价格。(起订价350usd)
5. 将费用(美金现金)交给Vivian (或是探戈节工作人员)
6. 预订日期时间当天准时到达指定地点。进行第一次试身。设计师会告知取件日期时间。
7. 取件,并确认是否合身,如需大改,设计师会告知下次取件时间。
Walter Javier Delgado,已在阿根廷被认可为最成功的裁缝师。他的著名是因他的创意设计和擅长对于面料的使用。他可以在一组舞曲期间完美演示他娴熟的技巧。当然,欢迎各位女士们找Walter给你们设计一件完美的礼服!
Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646 Email: 沪ICP备08101381号