DJ: Saori(Tokyo, Japan)
After Milonga: With DJ Becca at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
Venue: TangoBang:765 Xi Zang South Road, #603 (close to Fang Xie Road)
Salute a Shanghai
Time: 22-July (Fri) 21:30 – 02:00
Venue: Peace Hotel 8/F (Peace Hall):20 Nanjing East Road, The Bund (Near by No 1 Road of Zhong-shan)
Dress Code: Chinese Style
DJ: La Rubia(Rosario, Argentina)
Performance: TangoBang Group
After Milonga: With DJ Becca at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
Venue: TangoBang:765 Xi Zang South Road, #603 (close to Fang Xie Road)
Noche de Maestra
Time: 23-July (Sat) 21:30 – 02:00
Venue: Peace Hotel 8/F (Peace Hall):20 Nanjing East Road, The Bund (Near by No 1 Road of Zhong-shan)
Dress Code: Bling-bling
DJ: La Rubia(Rosario, Argentina)
After Milonga: With DJ I-Fan at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
Venue: TangoBang:765 Xi Zang South Road, #603 (close to Fang Xie Road)
Milonga de Amor
Time: 24-July (Sun) 17:30 – 21:30
Venue: Yi Shanghai Art Museum 2F: NO.1 Jian-guo Middle Rd(near Chong-qing S Road)
Dress Code: White
DJ: Becca(Seoul, Korea)
After Milonga: With DJ I-Fan at TBS from 21:30 – 02:00
Venue: TangoBang:765 Xi Zang South Road, #603 (close to Fang Xie Road)
Cierre del Fiesta
Time: 25-July (Mon) 21:30 – 02:00
Venue:Tangobang:765 Xi Zang South Road, #603 (close to Fang Xie Road)
DJ: I-Fan(Taipei,Taiwan)
After Milonga: With DJ La Rubia at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
Venue: TangoBang:765 Xi Zang South Road, #603 (close to Fang Xie Road)
Peace Hotel:
Address: No 20 Nan-jing E Rd, The Bund (near Zhong-shan E No. 1 Rd)
The Peace Hotel is a hotel on The Bund in Shanghai, China which overlooks the Huangpu River. The hotel today operates as two separate businesses. The North Building, built as Sassoon House, originally housed the Cathay Hotel. The South Building was built as the Palace Hotel and is today the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. The two buildings both face the Bund, but are divided by the famous Nanjing Road, arguably the busiest street in Shanghai. It has become particularly renowned for its Old Jazz Band, which recently was the basis for a movie, “As Time Goes By” a film by Uli Gaulke, and its roof terrace restaurant, overlooking the now booming district of Pudong across the Huangpu.
Before 1949, the Cathay Hotel was regarded as the most prestigious hotel in Shanghai. Most international envoys visiting Shanghai would stay in the hotel. After the Communist takeover in 1949, some of the offices were used by the Municipal Finance Committee. In 1952 the building was taken over by the Municipal Government. In 1956 it resumed trading as a hotel under the name “Peace Hotel”. During the Cultural Revolution, the hotel was used by the Gang of Four; most famously by Zhang Chunqiao as he headed the Shanghai Commune from headquarters in the Peace Hotel.
The Palace Hotel when built in 1908 was the tallest building on Nanjing Road and featured two elevators, the first building to do so in Shanghai. In 1909, the first meeting of the World Anti-Narcotics League was held here. In 1911, after the success of the Xinhai Revolution, Sun Yat-sen stayed at the hotel and advocated commitment to the revolutionary cause. During World War II, the building was occupied by the Japanese army. In 1947 it was purchased by a Chinese company. After the revolution in 1949 it continued trading until 1952, when it was confiscated and used by the Municipal Construction Department. In 1965 it resumed trading as a hotel as a wing of the Peace Hotel.
YI Shanghai Art Museum:
Address: No 1 Jian-guo Middle Rd (near Chong-qing S Rd)
Classroom Address:
TangoBang: Room 603 6F NO.765, Xi Zang S. Rd, at the corner of Fang Xie Road.
开幕舞会 Bienvenido
时间 : 21-July (周四) 21:30 – 02:00
地点 :上海1号美术馆1楼: 上海建国中路1号(近重庆南路)
着装 : 兽纹夜
DJ: Saori(东京, 日本)
小舞会: With DJ Becca at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
地点: 上海市西藏南路765号6楼603室(近方斜支路口),永惠大厦
致敬上海舞会 Salute a Shanghai
时间 : 22-July (周五) 21:30 – 02:00
地点 : 和平饭店 8楼 (和平厅):上海南京东路20号 外滩 (靠近中山东一路)
着装 : 中国风
DJ: La Rubia(罗萨里奥, 阿根廷)
小舞会 : With DJ Becca at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
地点 : 上海市西藏南路765号6楼603室(近方斜支路口),永惠大厦
大师舞会 Noche de Maestra
时间 : 23-July (周六) 21:30 – 02:00
地点 : 和平饭店 8楼 (和平厅):上海南京东路20号 外滩 (靠近中山东一路)
着装 : 璀璨舞会
DJ: La Rubia(罗萨里奥, 阿根廷)
表演 : Maestros del Fiesta
小舞会 : With DJ I-Fan at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
地点 :上海市西藏南路765号6楼603室(近方斜支路口),永惠大厦
爱的舞会 Milonga de Amor
时间 : 24-July (周日) 17:30 – 21:30
地点 : 上海1号美术馆2楼: 上海建国中路1号(近重庆南路)
着装 : 纯净之夜
DJ: Becca(首尔, 韩国)
小舞会 : With DJ I-Fan at TBS from 21:30 – 02:00
地点 : 上海市西藏南路765号6楼603室(近方斜支路口),永惠大厦
闭幕舞会 Cierre del Fiesta
时间 : 25-July (周一) 21:30 – 02:00
地点 : 上海市西藏南路765号6楼603室(近方斜支路口),永惠大厦
着装 : 热辣的夜晚
DJ: I-Fan(台北,台湾)
小舞会 : With DJ La Rubia at TBS from 02:00 – 06:00
地点 : 上海市西藏南路765号6楼603室(近方斜支路口),永惠大厦
地址:上海南京东路20号 外滩 (靠近中山东一路)
上海南京东路口的两幢大楼都称为和平饭店。和平饭店北楼建于1929年,原名华懋饭店,属芝加哥学派哥特式建筑,楼高77米,共十二层。饭店位于上海的南京东路和外滩的交叉口。1929年,犹太商人 Victor Sassoon 构思并创建了名为“华懋饭店”的酒店,这就是后来的和平饭店。
当时由芝加哥学派哥特式设计风格的建筑师 Palmer & Turner 设计,以一个海拔77米的绿色铜护套屋顶为最大特色。外墙采用花岗岩石块砌成,由旋转厅门而入,大堂地面用乳白色意大利大理石铺成,顶端古铜镂花吊灯,豪华典雅,有“远东第一楼”的美誉。和平饭店南楼,原为汇中饭店,正门设在南京东路23号,靠外滩的19号属边门。1908建成,文艺复兴建筑风格。
饭店落成以后,名噪上海,以豪华著称,主要接待金融界,商贸界和各国社会名流。如美国的马歇尔将军、司徒雷登校长,剧作家 Noel Coward 的名著《私人生活》就是在和平饭店写成的。三、四十年代,鲁迅、宋庆龄曾来饭店会见外国友人卓别林、萧伯纳等
Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646 Email: 沪ICP备08101381号