About Masters
“Los Veliz” Ruben y Sabrina Veliz
Since 2006, they participated in several tango festivals around the world as teachers and performers. As choreographers they made “Al sur del sur” for River North Chicago Dance Company in 2011, “Dramatic Tango”
In 2010, on tour in Japan, “Tangos Corazonicos”
during 2009 in Buenos Aires, and also they created and directed “Tango on stage” on tour in USA.
During 2008 they tour China with their show Radio Latina, covering six cities including Shanghai, the same year they tour Japan with the Momoco Aida orchestra and also they present their show ¨Abrazame¨ at the Menton Tango Festival in France and they tour Holland with the Amsterdam Sinfonetta presenting their choreography ¨Last Round”.
In july of 2006 within the Soccer World Cup they are featured in a TV Special in Holland.
On April 30, 2005 they made an appearance during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Queen Beatrix of Holland reign.
Between 2001 to2005 they perform in different places in Buenos Aires like Esquina Carlos Gardel, El Querandi and Rojo Tango beetween others and also they take part in companies like Tango x 2 and Tango Emocion.
March 1998 through February 2001, they were cast in the Nueva Compañia Tangueros, as first dancers with wich they premiered the show “Milonga Boulevard” in New York, USA, playing the lead couple. Their work received excellent reviews from critic Jack Anderson of the “New York Times”.
Maurizio Ghella y Martin Maldonado
Impassioned, expressive with innate longing and love for the dance, Maurizio Ghella and Martin Maldonado are a contemporary inspiration enlivening tango with their soulful and elegant approach. One of the main focuses of their work has always been the connection within the couple. Well-known teachers and artists, M&M have developed an innovative technique that seeks the expressive interpretation of the dance by emphasising on the need of feeling each other, by being connected and by paying close attention to the embrace.
“Los Totis” Virginia Gomez y Christian Marquez
United by the same passion traveled a long road thus being a couple noted for its strength, maturity and defined tango style. Together since 1996 they were formed with renowned dancers and teachers of Argentine Tango and their first professional experience in tango dance was in 1997. Since then they have participated in important national and international Tango Shows: ¨Los Tangos de la Cabala¨; ¨Piazzolla Tango¨; ¨Copes Tango Copes ¨; ¨O’Tango” and ¨Coorporación Tangos¨ , directed by renowned dancers and choreographers. Since 2003 they travel to different cities in Europe, Asia and USA dictating workshops and participating in several Argentine Tango Festivals.
In 2006 they were called to be the leading tango couple of the video clip ¨Diferente¨ of Gotan Project. Since 2010 they participate consecutively in the most important International Congress of Argentine Tango ¨CITA¨, which takes place every year in Buenos Aires.In Buenos Aires they offer shows and teach classes and seminars in different tango halls in order to transmit their knowledge to new generations of dancers. Their dance is characterized by the precision and quality of their movements, elegance and preserve the purest and essential tango.
Maurizio Ghella & Martin Maldonado
“Los Totis” Virginia Gomez y Christian Marquez
在2006年,他们受邀领军参加了”Gotan Project”的音乐录影带”Diferente”的拍摄工作。
自2010年,他们参加了全球最为著名,在布宜诺斯爱丽丝举办的,一年一度的探戈盛会:CITA(Congreso Internacional de Tango Argentino)。近期的2012及13年,亦受邀参加韩国首尔探戈节的大师营阵容。
Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646 Email: tangobang@aliyun.com 沪ICP备08101381号