
About SH International Tango Festival

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Welcome to 3rd SH International Tango Festival!

After 2 successful festival in the previous years, our pressure is big. We’ve been thinking about how to elevate the festival to next level.

This year. We have upgrade our master line-up, the 3rd SH International Tango Festival is going to feature:

Ruben y Sabrina Velis; Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella; Fernando Sanchez y Ariadna Naveira; Virginia Pandolfi

These world 1st class masters will give 21 workshop in 5 days and give performance on Master and Grand Milonga

Another highlight is Damian Boggio, one of the most young and popular Tango DJ around the world, will visit China for the first time. He will DJ on the 2 most important nights and will give 2 DJ workshop to share his knowledge and passion to be the most successful DJ of Tango World.

Finally, what people love the most about is the milonga; we’ll feature all the milonga at the same venue, Nan Xin Ya Hotel. It’s one of the most historical 5 star hotel in SH, host majority important government official. The ballroom is 500 square meter with nearly 150 dance floor.  Additionally, we are very pleased to announce that all participants who purchase main milonga (5) are entitle to enter the after milonga milonga for free!!

Thank you all again to consider coming to SH to join our festival. It’s a young festival and is in the progress to grow bigger and stronger. Looking forward to Tango with you all!!


Vivian Yeh @ TangoBang





經歷前兩屆的上海探戈節, 我們得到各界的好評, 讓我們壓力不斷增大. 也讓我們思考怎麼樣可以持續提升上海國際探戈節, 帶給大家更美好的探戈經驗.

今年, 我們的探戈節大師整體水平提高, 迎來目前全一線探戈大師Ruben y Sabrina Velis; Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella; Fernando Sanchez y Ariadna Naveira; Virginia Pandolfi

她們在5天當中教授21堂課並且在Master 及 Grand milonga 兩天帶來精采的演出

另一個亮點是, 今年上海探戈節迎來國際上最受歡迎的阿根廷探戈DJ, Damian Boggio. 他會在兩場大舞會中擔任DJ, 也將主持兩場DJ 大師課. 大家千萬不要錯過!

最後, 也是最重要的是舞會, 今年所有的舞會將在上海最有歷史的五星級飯店[南新雅大飯店], 這加古典而豪華的場所曾經招待了國家領導人及政要.  舞會有500平米的空間及150平米的舞池. 除此之外, 今年所有參加主舞會的參與者, 您們的加场舞会入場全免!

感謝各位對上海國際探戈節的關注, 上海探戈正在逐漸茁壯, 希望在上海見到各位, 大家一起探戈!!!

Vivian Yeh @ TangoBang


Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号