
TangoBang, started 2008, has been known the  Tango School and Organizers in Shanghai.  Vivian Yeh (Taiwan)  and Nicolas Marini (Argentina) the two Tango Fanatics that have more than 10 years teaching and dancing experience met in Buenos Aires and are giving Tango lessons and organizing milongas together in regular basic, 5 days a week in Shanghai.

TangoBang has been working closly with Argentina Counsulate to introduce the Tango Culture to Shanghai. World Known Tango Masters have been brought from Buenos Aires for Tango Workshop and shows included: Geraldin Rojas y Ezequiel Paludi, Damian Essell y Nancy Louzan, Pablo Giorgini y Noelia Coletti, Fabian Peralta y Virginia Pandolfi, Analia Carreño y Luis Ramirez, Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella. During 2010 Shanghai EXPO, the two parties hosted several successful Tango events in Argentina Pavilion, including the first ever milonga in EXPO, that brought Argentina Tango to Shanghai, China, and the visitors from all over the world.

In 2011, TangoBang successfully hosted the 1st Shanghai International Tango Festival. Tangueros around the world joined the festival was impressed by the passion and the standard of dance in Shanghai.

探戈幫, 成立於2008年, 是上海阿根廷探戈的教學機構及主辦者. 擁有超過10年的舞蹈及教學經驗.兩位是阿根廷探戈狂熱者, 來自台灣的Vivian Yeh與來自阿根廷的Nicolas Marini , 在阿根廷相遇, 目前在上海透過教學及舞會積極推廣阿根廷探戈文化.每周都有常规舞会及基础课程教授.

自成立以來,探戈幫跟阿根廷領事館有過無數次的合作, 努力的將阿根廷探戈這個美好的舞蹈在上海深耕. 期間舉辦過世界級的探戈大師營, 邀請了包括Geraldin Rojas y Ezequiel Paludi, Damian Essell y Nancy Louzan, Pablo Giorgini y Noelia Coletti, Fabian Peralta y Virginia Pandolfi, Analia Carreño y Luis Ramirez, Martin Maldonado y Maurizio Ghella;

在2010上海世博期間, 探戈幫與阿根廷領事館更是主辦史上首次阿根廷館內的探戈舞會, 讓全世界的訪客都感受阿根廷探戈的魅力.2011年成功舉辦上海第一屆阿根廷探戈節,來自全球各地舞者在上海感受熱情的歡迎也對上海探戈的高水平一致讚賞.

● About Founder :

Vivian and Charles have been danced as couple since 2005. They were inspired by teachers in Taiwan Tango (Daniel y Stacy ; Derric y Agenes ; Gustavo). Have been attending workshop and private lessons from masters such as Julio y Corina ; Nancy y Damian ; Esteban y Claudia ; Pablo y Dana ; Javier y Andrea ). They are the only couple teacher in SH that gives systematic Argentina Tango study starting from 2007 at TangoBang.

● 關於創辦人:

Vivian 與 Charles 兩人從2005年開始互為舞伴, 並於2006年起在上海地區開始教授阿根廷探戈. 兩人的舞蹈師承於台北探戈的老師們. (Daniel / Stacy; Derrick / Agnes; Gustavo) 及來自阿根廷的多位大師 ( Julio / Corina; Javier / Andrea; Esteban / Claudia; Damian / Nancy; Pablo / Dana)之私人訓練. 2007年探戈幫在上海浦東區正式開始營業. 兩人專職於探戈幫教授初級與進階技巧. 兩位老師基本功紮實, 音樂性多元. 屬於兼具傳統與現代的舞者.

Vivian Yeh

Vivian Yeh, Founder of TangoBang. has been teaching and organizing Argentina Tango class / workshop / performance since 2008. Vivian loves dancing and started since age 5 in Ballet; she’s been actively exploring popular dance formats including salsa, folk, flamenco; and belly dance. Vivian has a strong background in music which represent strong musicality and dynamics in her dance. As the principle timpanist with Taipei Philharmonic orchestra and Taiwan Wind Ensemles, she’s been tour in Europe / US / Asia since 2000.

她是上海探戈帮的创始人,从2008年开始教授并组织阿根廷探戈课程、大师班及表演。她热爱舞蹈,从5岁开始学习芭蕾; 她曾经积极探索多种流行的舞蹈种类,包括Salsa,土风舞,弗拉明戈和肚皮舞。Vivian有坚实的音乐基础,并把出色的音乐性与动感运用到舞蹈当中。 作为台北爱乐乐团和台湾管乐团的首席定音鼓手,她曾在2000年随团在欧洲、美国和亚洲巡演。

She has been invited to share their passion to Tango at the most important Tango Festivals in Asia.


Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646    Email: tangobang@aliyun.com   沪ICP备08101381号