Vivian and Charles have been danced as couple since 2005. They were inspired by teachers in Taiwan Tango (Daniel y Stacy ; Derric y Agenes ; Gustavo). Have been attending workshop and private lessons from masters such as Julio y Corina ; Nancy y Damian ; Esteban y Claudia ; Pablo y Dana ; Javier y Andrea ). They are the only couple teacher in SH that gives systematic Argentina Tango study starting from 2007 at TangoBang.
Vivian 與 Charles 兩人從2005年開始互為舞伴, 並於2006年起在上海地區開始教授阿根廷探戈. 兩人的舞蹈師承於台北探戈的老師們. (Daniel / Stacy; Derrick / Agnes; Gustavo) 及來自阿根廷的多位大師 ( Julio / Corina; Javier / Andrea; Esteban / Claudia; Damian / Nancy; Pablo / Dana)之私人訓練. 2007年探戈幫在上海浦東區正式開始營業. 兩人專職於探戈幫教授初級與進階技巧. 兩位老師基本功紮實, 音樂性多元. 屬於兼具傳統與現代的舞者.
Vivian Yeh
Vivian Yeh, Founder of TangoBang. has been teaching and organizing Argentina Tango class / workshop / performance since 2008. Vivian loves dancing and started since age 5 in Ballet; she’s been actively exploring popular dance formats including salsa, folk, flamenco; and belly dance. Vivian has a strong background in music which represent strong musicality and dynamics in her dance. As the principle timpanist with Taipei Philharmonic orchestra and Taiwan Wind Ensemles, she’s been tour in Europe / US / Asia since 2000.
她是上海探戈帮的创始人,从2008年开始教授并组织阿根廷探戈课程、大师班及表演。她热爱舞蹈,从5岁开始学习芭蕾; 她曾经积极探索多种流行的舞蹈种类,包括Salsa,土风舞,弗拉明戈和肚皮舞。Vivian有坚实的音乐基础,并把出色的音乐性与动感运用到舞蹈当中。 作为台北爱乐乐团和台湾管乐团的首席定音鼓手,她曾在2000年随团在欧洲、美国和亚洲巡演。
She has been invited to share their passion to Tango at the most important Tango Festivals in Asia.
Vivian Yeh 186 2118 2646 Email: 沪ICP备08101381号